Friday, September 28, 2012

The Never Ending Project

So I was cutting it really close! The last morning before we depart from Barcelona was my last hope of seeing the inside of this Gaudi work, the Sagrada Familia.

I went, alone again, early morning attempting to avoid the line up, but when I got there at 9:30am, the line up was around the corner again. I was not to be turned away this time though cause who knows how long until I'm back in Barcelona again! The line up moved quickly and within 15 minutes I was near the entrance gate. I got up near the ticket booth and realized, CASH ONLY. YIKES!

I quickly went through my wallet and saw I had exactly 13,50 Euro left and looked back on the price of the ticket, 13 Euros! Perfect! However, due to the lack of cash on me, I was not able to afford an audio guide, so I was on my own.

Even though I had no audio guide, there were signs in both Spanish and English to explain the different features of the place.

The exterior was impressive. The detailed sculptures are so memorizing with each having a different emotion and facial expression.

Upon entering the church, you see pillars of columns that rises to the ceiling. Apparently, Gaudi wanted to give the impression of being in a forest with trees of different height. The inside was well lit by natural lighting and windows of both clear and colour stained lined the sides. It was really beautiful inside.

The picture I don't think does any justice to what it actually looks like. Definitely not a sight to be missed.

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