Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stepping Back in Time in Athens

Our trip to Athens was by plane which was a relieve as by train from Vienna to Athens would have been about a journey of 16 hours. However, the negative of airplane travel is having to be at the airport, the security, the expensive food, and in our case, the expensive croissants.

We arrived at the airport early and since our flight was going to be only for 3 hours, we figured we should probably have some food. We went to a cafe like restaurant in the terminal and sat down. Within minutes, the lady dropped off a basket of croissants. Thinking like North Americans, we thought the bread comes with the meal. 

We then went ahead and ordered a soup and sparkling water for me, and Matt had a yogurt and an apple juice. Guess how much the bill was..... 30 Euros!! We were so confused! As it turns out, the croissants were NOT free, and they were a ridiculous 2,50 Euro EACH! Lesson learned, when in Europe, be careful about eating the bread that comes before the meal!

Anyway, we should not have even eaten anything! As it turns out, a lunch was included on the short flight! Sausages, beans, and mashed potatoes with a bun and drink. How come this still exist in Europe and how are the airlines here making this work?! Whatever it is, we gotta bring this back in North America! The service on the Aegean Flight was perfection. 

We arrived in Athens, and as we were picking up our luggage (another downside to flying), a guy from Edmonton caught sight of the Canadian flag sticker on my bag. He came over and started chatting. Ever chatted with one of those people who are either nervous or just very strange where their mouth just runs and never stops even though you don't know them? Yah, well he was one of them. He went on and on about how he's Greek and here for indefinite amount of time. He asked where we were staying in Athens and we informed him that we were only in town for a couple days before heading out to Mykonos. This is where he said to me "Mykonos is the gay capital of Greece". I was surprised by this and didn't know what to say but he then quickly changed subject and asked where we had been. When we mentioned St. Petersburg, he asked me "oo how were the women there?" I was seriously confused by this! 

Anyway, this leg of our trip was something we were looking forward to. We have a couple of special guests making an appearance here, and to them we thank for making the trip half way around the world to join us! Jim and Margaret Carruthers, Matt's parents have joined us here. They got in the night before from a few days stay in Rome. When we got to the street where we rented an apartment near the Acropolis, we made the mistake of taking down the postal code as a house address. This led to me yelling "JIm! Margaret" down the narrow lane for about three blocks. 

Matt was not a fan of me yelling, but hey, we were desperate. I just thought if Jim and Margaret were here, they'd hear me. As I was feeling silly for thinking this would work, Jim steps out of the apartment and stood on the steps. I think I might have embarrassed him. 

I quickly turned towards Matt who was three blocks away with our bags, and yelled "They're here!!!"

After getting settled in and getting caught up for a bit, we all went out for a Greek dinner. The food was great but Margaret left her camera there, the next day when we went back, we could not find it! 

The next morning, we all got up and started a day of sightseeing in Athens. 

The one good thing about the place we booked was the proximity to the Acropolis. 

The four of us hiked up to the top and the view was amazing. The Parthenon lived up to my expectations. It was quite impressive. Just to be standing there starring at this temple that was built thousands of years ago, the feeling was strange. Never thought I would ever be standing in front of this temple my whole life and there it was. From the top of the Acropolis, the city looked amazing. The densely built city stretched for miles and miles. What I did find interesting were the random hills that rises in the city.

We timed the visit quite nicely, as by noon hour, the hottest time, we were in the Acropolis Museum which was at the base of the Acropolis. 

The museum was great as on the top floor there was a video to explain the history of the Acropolis, the start, through its many changes, to today. What they also did was explain and displayed the statues that once was a part of the Panthenon. The birth of Athena and the fight between Poseidon and Athena over the city of Athens. I have always found Greek Mythology interesting, where the gods and goddess of the Greeks are like their monarchs. The infighting, the history was all very fascinating.

After the visit to the museum, we stepped back out into the hot afternoon sun and wandered through an ancient theatre.

Then Margaret and I wandered off shopping down a tourist lane while Matt and Jim sat back and waited. We thought it would be funny for us to buy a couple of ice cream cones and went back to rub it in their faces, but somehow, they knew. Just when Margaret and I were giggling away, picking out the flavour we wanted, along came Matt and Jim, catching us red handed! So much for our plan!

Our next stop brought us to the Olympic Stadium in Athens where the 1896 Games were held. The stadium was quite incredible! This was the place of the first modern day Olympic Games, and this was the place where I beat Matt in a race, witnessed by Jim and Margaret! Very satisfying I must say.

Not sure why Margaret is on the podium claiming her 5th place finish... :)
Athens, as we quickly learned could have been a one day stop. Not only was it hot, it was a bit of a mess! Also, it didn't help that I was re-aquainted with my childhood friends, cockroaches, at the apartment we rented. Matt does not know this, yet, but I saw the cockroach in our washroom, but I was so scared I dropped a hand towel over it. He then went into the washroom later and picked up the towel to find the cockroach in there.. oops! LOL! This will also help me see if he is reading my blog.

Our night ended with a friendly game of Polish Poker. Before my head hit the pillow, I was out 2 Euros.

The next day we decided to all relocate ourselves to the city Pireaus so the following morning's 7:30am ferry to Mykonos would be easier for us to catch. Some time during the day, Margaret reminded us all that she for some reason had an additional 6 Euros in her pocket......

Our next stop, the Greek Island of Mykonos where I intend on winning back my money! 

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