Friday, October 5, 2012

Travel Day from Hell

We got on a Ryanair flight from Girona to Pisa at about 10:30 at night. I am definitely not a fan of flying, for whatever reason the older I get the more nervous I am when getting on an aircraft.

So the story of travel day from hell starts.

First we had to line up to get on the flight, as it was every man for themselves to grab a seat. Think Allegiant Air. The interior of the aircraft was in cheap yellow and royal blue, definitely an eye sore. The flight only cost 19 Euros which probably explains why they had to advertise for the entire duration of the flight. Food, drinks, perfume, lottery tickets, and yes, cigarettes! The flight landed an hour later to an airport in Pisa.

We did not want to chance having to walk too far in the middle of the night, so we got a cab to the hotel. 500 metres, and TEN Euros later, tah-da!

We were greeted by a reception desk probably built in the 1950s, which was ironic because the hotel name was Hotel Moderno. We wanted a place close to the train station and was cheap because it would be one sleep and out we go, but a room without a toilet was not something I was prepared for. UGH!

We got up and saw the Leaning Tower of Pisa, yes it was neat, and yes I did take the picture everyone takes but instead of holding it up, I tried the tipping over pose.

But this town will always be remembered as the place I paid 4 Euros for a can of coke!

After the tower, we jumped on a train to head for Florence, only to get a ticket on the train because we had forgotten to validate the ticket at the station!

When we arrived in Florence, we had thought it would be easier to walk to the hotel since it didn't look too far (should have really done my homework) but Ended up dragging my heavy bag for an hour hike, AN HOUR!

When we finally got to the hotel, we checked in to room 601. The room was on the sixth floor, and oh yes of course the elevator only goes to the fifth!

Once we entered the room, it stunk like cigarettes! Could we catch a break?!?!

We finally just dropped everything and decided to head into town, but only to be told that the easiest way was by bus, and there we were on a bus and had no idea where it was heading until finally a girl helped us with the stop we wanted.

Sigh, seriously, another few weeks of traveling left? I could have totally ripped out all my hair with the last 24 hours!

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